Friday, 24 January 2014

Gluten Free food on prescription

Hi everyone,

Since being diagnosed as a coeliac 5 years ago, I have been able to order various foods on prescription. I started out with a huge variety of different items on there, from flours to pastry mixes, biscuits to lasagne sheets, fusilli to penne, sliced white bread to dinner rolls, and then there were these weird things a bit like sponge fingers…

Over time I refined the list down to the things which I actually ate - surprisingly, turns out I don’t use a pre-packaged pastry mix very often, partly because I don’t often make pastry and partly because the mix already contains an unspecified amount of sugar, making it impossible to use in any normal recipe – and got things down to a pretty select list, which I would then choose a few things from every couple of months.

I generally order a large quantity of items at once, because I am too disorganised to go more frequently. Once a month?! What with the wait for prescriptions, ferrying between doctor and pharmacy, lead time for items to come in, finding the time to fetch items within normal working hours, I’d be constantly managing one part of the process. Which as a disorganised person, is too much. Does anyone have a failsafe way of managing their repeat prescription ordering? I’m considering some kind of Kanban system for low stock and a rolling reminder for the next stage of the process, using average lag time data from previous cycles… (Can you tell what type of work I do?!)

Back to the point. I have recently moved doctors, and my new doctor has fiercely cut back on the products on my repeat prescription. I now have:

gluten free food prescription coeliac celiac uk bread pasta lasagne free blog

  • 6 loaves of Newburn Bakehouse (Warburton’s) brown sliced*
  • 6 bags of Bialimenta penne pasta
  • 2 boxes of Juvela lasagne. I’m not quite sure why this is on here, as I so seldom make lasagne. But never mind, it’s at least making me come up with new and inventive uses for lasagne sheets!

According to the doctor, she recommends an annual review of the items on my prescription and the opportunity to add or subtract items, as well as a general health check. This sounds fairly sensible although the thought of a year with the same few products on the list is a little daunting. I’m thoroughly sick of my 3 items, as good as they are (in particular I would recommend the Newburn bread, if you’re not already eating it by the freezerful).

I’m eagerly awaiting the latest Coeliac UK book for a list of all the products available on prescription before I book my appointment with the doctor. Then I can go armed and ready, and hopefully emerge with a couple of different things to try.

Does anyone have any recommendations for items they get on prescription and particularly enjoy?

*I’ve just read that these will soon be delivered in boxes of 4, according to Warburtons this is for greater flexibility and for those of us with smaller freezers. Any thoughts? I think this means more trips to the pharmacy for me…


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